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Carmela's Blog

48-Hour Book Challenge Comes to an End

Well, it's now 9 pm Sunday, the end of my 48-hour book challenge. Today I finished reading my friend's young adult historical novel work-in-progress that I blogged about yesterday. Then I began The Name of the Rose, an adult novel by Umberto Eco. Both are quite different from Melvin Beederman Superhero: The Curse of the Bologna Sandwich, the book I began the Challenge reading. :-)

Today I read for a total of 5 hours. Adding that to my previous total of 8 hours, 45 minutes, gives me a total of 13 hours, 45 minutes. [That includes about 60-90 minutes spent blogging and reading a few blog posts. If I do this again next year, I'll know to track my blog-related reading more carefully. This year, I simply noted my stopping and starting times without differentiating time spent online. But I was careful to limit my online time.] I don't believe I've ever spent that much time reading fiction in one 48-hour period, except perhaps in my college days.

This has been a most interesting, and fun, experience.

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