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Poems in Earlier Anthologies

"Questions: A Poem in Two Voices"

Carmela's poem "Questions: A Poem in Two Voices" can be found in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talk High School, 101 Stories of Life, Love, and Learning for Older Teens edited by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark, & Madeline Clapps.


The poem is a conversation between a parent and child, based on a real-life conversation Carmela had with her son.


Here's the description of the anthology originally posted at Indiebound.org:

"Stories in this book cover topics important to the 14 to 18-year-old range, including regrets and lessons learned, dating and sex, family relationships, applying to college, and preparing for life after high school." The book may still be found at Bookshop.org.




"At the Chicago Marathon"

Carmela's poem "At the Chicago Marathon" is a list poem inspired by a runner she saw compete in the 2010 Chicago Marathon. It is one of several poems about Paralympic athletes featured in And the Crowd Goes Wild! A Global Gathering of Sports Poems edited by Carol-Ann Hoyte and Heidi Bee Roemer. Here's a description of the anthology:

"From rock climbing to lacrosse, tennis to ping-pong, and swimming to soccer, this unique anthology pays joyous tribute to a wide spectrum of sports. Fifty poets, representing 10 countries, share a mix of thoughtful and humorous perspectives on all aspects of athletics. This potpourri of poetry styles pays tribute to an athlete’s determination, agony, and exhilaration, and celebrates the spirit of spunk and fair play. Award-winning Canadian author-illustrator Kevin Sylvester lends energy to the poems with exuberant pen-and-ink drawings. Here’s a book that’s sure to be a slam dunk for readers ages 8 - 12."

A portion of the proceeds from sales of And the Crowd Goes Wild! were donated to Right to Play, an international organization that uses sports and games to educate and empower children facing adversity. Originally published in 2012 by Friesen Press, the book is no longer in print.