Here are links to the online resources I'll be sharing this evening at the Fountaindale Public Library presentation, "Great Beginnings: How to Hook Readers and Keep Them Turning the Pages":
* Writer's Digest magazine Jan, 2011 article by Elizabeth Sims, "8 Ways to Write a 5-Star Chapter One."
* Article by Bharti Kirchner in The Writer, Dec. 2010, “The Pleasures and Perils of Prologues."
Blog posts by former literary agent Mary Kole, who is also the author of Writing Irresistible Kidlit (Writer’s Digest Books):
• “The Promise of the Novel"
• “First Lines"
• “Fix Your Beginning"
Also, I won't be mentioning this article listing examples of some BAD ways to start a novel tonight, but it may be of interest, too.
If you have any questions about the presentation, you can post them as a comment below or email me via the "Contact" page of this blog.
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