In this blog post, I share references mentioned in my January 27, 2022 SCBWI-IL Network Presentation "Small Press, BIG Decision:"
- Chart of imprints within the "Big 5" U.S. Trade Publishers
NOTE: The date of the most recent update is shown at the bottom of the page. - Article: Should You Publish Your Book with a Small Press? Two Literary Agents Advise on Jane Friedman website
- Article: The Key Book Publishing Paths: 2023-2024 by Jane Friedman
- Article: Small Press versus Big House: How Does a Thoughtful, Ambitious Author Decide? on Authors Publish website
- Excellent article from Jane Friedman: Questions to Ask Your Publisher Before You Sign the Contract discusses the responsibilities of traditional publishers and how to ensure a prospective publisher will meet them
- Writers Beware site for finding complaints against publishers, especially newer ones
- Midwest Book Review: provides respected literary reviews for free or a modest fee (depending on timing) and gives priority consideration to small publishers, self-published authors, academic presses, and specialty publishers.
Small Presses that offer writing contests:
- Lee & Low New Voices Award and New Vision Award
- Sleeping Bear Press Own Voices award: open Jan-March
Resources for finding Small Presses that publish books for children and teens:
- Latest edition of the Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market Guide (pictured above)
- Annual SCBWI Market Surveys listed in "THE BOOK."
NOTE: Small presses can be found in the general survey of publishers as well as the specific International, Small Press, Religious Press, and Educational Press surveys. - SCBWI list of PAL publishers and criteria NOTE: this includes all PAL publishers, not just small presses. It's unclear when the list was last updated.
- Children's Book Council Publisher Member list: includes number of books each publishes annually, indicates whether each is open to unsolicited submissions, and links to each publisher's website. NOTE: not all children's publishers are members of the Children's Book Council.
- Children's Book Council Associate Member Focus list from November, 2021
- Reedsy Directory of Book Publishers: you can search with genre of "children's" or "young adult." NOTE: The publisher size information is supposedly based on sales revenue.
- #MSWL Manuscript Wishlist site (search for editors and agents by genre on this page)
- Jane Friedman's Hot Sheet list: New publishers and Agents in 2021
NOTE: includes sections specifically for Children's and YA and for Comics and graphic novels - AuthorsPublish list of 48 Traditonal Publishers Seeking Children's Books
Take note of the most recent date of update--it may not be current - Bitsy Kemper's list of over 80 publishers accepting unsolicited picture book manuscripts (updated periodically)
- Your own Internet search for specific book categories, for example: "Christian Children's Book Publishers," "Jewish Children's Book Publishers," etc.
Articles and sites related to book cover design:
- 5 Things Every Author Needs to Understand about Cover Design
- Top 8 Cover Design Tips for Self-Publishers
- TheBookDesigner.com Ebook Cover Design Awards
Articles related to book contracts:
- Jane Friedman article: Questions to Ask Your Publisher Before You Sign the Contract
- Two-Part Article by Cindy Ervin Huff: Ten Points to Consider When Signing a Book Contract:
Part One: Points 1-5
Part Two: Points 6-10
I also briefly discussed self-publishing. SCBWI has a section in "THE BOOK" on self-publishing. They recently announced they'll also be releasing The Essential Guide to Self-Publishing a Children's Book for members only.
Do you have any resources to add? Please share a comment below or email me through my contact page.